Have you tried both Google Ads and Facebook Ads, and are you still unsure which performs better for your business?
Or are you about to take a leap and try one for the first time?
In this article, we cover each platform’s unique features, the key differences between running ads on each platform and the factors to consider when selecting the right platform for you. The platforms can be compared and contrasted, but at the end of the day, both Google Ads and Facebook Ads are complementary, each offering unique benefits for businesses.
This article will cover:
The similarities and differences between Google Ads and Facebook Ads
Google Ads
Facebook Ads
Should you use Google Ads or Facebook ads?
The similarities and differences between Google Ads and Facebook Ads.
Both Google Ads and Facebook Ads are both paid advertising platforms (pay-per-click) that businesses, from a wide range of industries and geographic locations, adapt to increase the lead generation and/or brand awareness for their business.
Whilst they are both advertising platforms, Google Ads is classified as “paid search”, whereas Facebook Ads is classified as “paid social”, meaning their ads are shown on different platforms. The ads are also shown to buyers at different stages of the buying journey.
Google Ads.
Google Ads operates on a bid model, meaning, in order to show up for specific keywords, you need to win the bid. When a user clicks on your ad, you will be charged the amount you bid for that keyword.
You can choose from five different types of ad campaigns with Google Ads, including
Search (text ads on Google Search results)
Display (images ads on websites)
Video (video ads on YouTube)
Shopping (product listings on Google)
App (your app promotion on a range of channels)
Facebook Ads.
Being a social media platform, Facebook Ads doesn’t allow you to bid for specific keywords, instead, you can market to ideal customers based on their user behaviour and interest.
Unlike Google Ads, Facebook Ads has a range of formats for ads, then offers the ability to select the desired objective.
The formats include:
Video ads
Photo ads
Slideshow ads
Carousel ads
Instant experience ads
Dynamic product ads
Lead form ads
Collection ads
Event ads
Messenger ads
Stories ads
The ad objectives include:
Awareness: impressions, reach
Consideration: clicks, engagement, video views, messages, app installs, lead generation, traffic
Conversion: conversions, sales, store visits
Should you use Google Ads or Facebook Ads?
Both Google Ads and Facebook Ads are powerful advertising platforms that cater to every type of business. When evaluating each platform's strengths and potential applications, the two platforms should be viewed in a complementary, rather than conflicting, way.
Some marketers insist on comparing Facebook Ads to the Google Display Network, and, while the two platforms share some similarities, how the two platforms have evolved independently of one another shows that Google and Facebook should be used in concert, not in opposition.
Harnessing the power of both paid search and paid social is an effective advertising strategy.
However, it necessitates a dual advertising strategy that aligns with the strengths of each platform. Although marketing messaging can and should remain consistent across both Google and Facebook Ads, it’s vital to understand how best to use each platform for maximum ROI and greater business growth.
We recommend trying both platforms for a minimum of 3 months and monitoring them as you go. Check that the platform is delivering your initial objective - whether it be lead generation, brand awareness or both.
Naomi Johnston
Founder & Creative Director | NJ CONSULTING
E: naomi@njconsulting.com.au